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Afrikan Centered Resources


Council of Independent Black Institutions- Established in 1972 CIBI is the global and national membership and accrediting organization for independent Afrikan (Black) institutions.


Kamali Academy - African-centered curriculum covering mathematics, science, oustory, language arts, proverbs, character building and more.


Nkala Education- African centered education since 2009. Offering STEM and language courses (and tutorials) including courses in African centered mathematics and science, engineering design, renewable energy technologies, as well as African language study groups. 


Fawohodie Sua Afrikan-centered educational co-operative institution of independent Afrikan instructors and determined Families who have come together to provide quality, affordable classes for our global Afrikan community by way of the internet. Fawohodie Sua connects like-minded Afrikan-centered homeschooling families, local co-operatives, or independent schools from anywhere around the world with outstanding, relevant classes . 


Aya Educational Institute- Founded by Wekesa and Afiya Madzimoyo, AYA Educational Institute has been providing innovative academic, cultural, and social development programs since 1998. Aya offers classes and workshops locally and also nationally - via our interactive web-conference platform. 


Kujichagulia Press- Creating books and workbooks that define, create and speak for ourselves to celebrate our African and African American cultural heritage and uplift our people using our Kuumba (Creativity).​


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